2. イベント
  3. ボランティア募集
  4. 障害を持つ子ども達と仲良くなれる施設&アウトドアキャンプボランティア募集 Daycare & Outdoor Camp Volunteers Needed to Befriend Children with Disabilities

障害を持つ子ども達と仲良くなれる施設&アウトドアキャンプボランティア募集 Daycare & Outdoor Camp Volunteers Needed to Befriend Children with Disabilities




Matsubokkuri Children’s Daycare Center believes that everyday life is training. We provide a wide range of hands-on activities and interaction for people within the group to help develop and raise children with disabilities.

The center offers many opportunities which include outings, cooking, recreation, hiking, overnight stays, etc.

We will hold them during outdoor camps, where volunteers will work one-on-one with children so everyone can get to know each other!
In addition to volunteer work, short-term and long-term part-time employment are also available.


募集団体 一般社団法人江東ウィズ
活動日程 随時活動(活動期間:1週間~長期)
活動場所 まつぼっくり子ども教室 江東区猿江2-9-5 まつぼっくりの家2-3F

第2まつぼっくり子ども教室 江東区海辺3-7 シャリオビル1階

Organizations Seeking Help: General Incorporated Association Koto With
Activity schedule:
Activities are conducted as needed (activity period: more than one week)
 Matsubokkuri Children’s Daycare Center, Matsubokkuri House 2-3F, 2-9-5 Sarue, Koto-ku, Tokyo
The 2nd Matsubokkuri Children’s Daycare Center, Shario Bldg 1F, 3-7 Umibe, Koto-ku, Tokyo

活動内容 子どもに関わる様々な体験活動のスタッフとして活動していただきます。



応募条件 以下の条件を満たし、一度だけでなく継続して参加できる方



Details: You will work as a staff member for various experiential activities involving children.
• You will mainly be responsible for leading and accompanying children.
• When traveling, public transportation will be used for the children to experience.
Requirements: Those who can meet the following conditions can participate regularly.
1. who loves children and is energetic
2. who can communicate smoothly in Japanese (reading and writing ability is even better)

応募~活動の流れ ①まつぼっくり子ども教室、第2まつぼっくり子ども教室にお電話かメールでお問い合わせください。



Application – Activity Flow:
1) Please call or e-mail us at Matsubokkuri Daycare Center or the 2nd Matsubokkuri Children’s Daycare Center.
2) Please feel free to visit us first.
3) You will be allowed to visit several times before you start, so there is no need to worry even if you have no experience in childcare!


会場MAP|Map of Venue

詳しくはこちら|For More Information



Please participate as a volunteer and apply.



Upcoming Events | ボランティア募集